w00t 2014

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This years Play Festival: w00t is going to be blazingly fun. We are in the middle of organizing it and finding cool game designers and speakers to join us. Right now we need your games. If you have a game that could be played at w00t, please submit it to our open call here (deadline April 1st, so hurry).

This year we are organizing it a bit different. We have reached out to cool people in the community of games and play making to help us curate the festival. w00t will this year be divided into tight thematic tracks, each with a professional curator associated.  These tracks are: Performance Games, Water Games (we have the cool Frederiksberg Public Swimming Pool to our disposal), Games in Public Spaces, Experimental Sports and Cyborg Games. You can read more about  the tracks here. Besides the big curated tracks, we’ll have a scary horror session saturday night (continuing the success of last year) and a playground with pop up and quickie games you can just go around and play whenever you want.

w00t will be 30. May – 1. June and held at new and more central location in the beautiful Frederiksberg, 7 min walk from the metro station and right next to a park and the public swimming pool.

Looking forward to playing with you all 🙂

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