
Our everyday thoughts are presented here. Things we do, upcoming events or just crazy ramblings!
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  • Yonderplay Selection 2019

    The goal of Yonderplay is to highlight game gems, to point out projects that explore the borderlands of playfulness. This year, we return with a selection of games that showcase the diversity and potential of the medium of video games. This collection of games is necessarily eclectic and, trust me, we had a lot of…
  • Yonderplay 2019 – Open Call

    Yonderplay will return to Nordic Game and submissions are now open. Yonderplay is a one-day showcase of Nordic games at Nordic Game Conference where we chill together, play together, and have a couple of short intimate presentations. It is as much fireside chat as it is an exhibition. Please submit your games now, or write to us…

  • Yonderplay Selection @ Nordic Game 2018

    This year we went for something new; yonder, which means something along the lines of "right over there".  It is just out of reach. It could be a leading star, a falling star or an outsider star. Ok, the 'star analogy' is not the best, but we have felt that our showcase which year after year has…
  • Yonderplay 2018 – meet the judges

    The Yonderplay showcase will be part of the Nordic Game Conference and all nominees will be part of that special showcase at the conference. Our curators generously volunteered their time and attention to look at your games and help us make a final selection for the award. 

  • Yonderplay

    Yonderplay is a brand new format for showing games that go beyond of where games have gone before. We're hosting a very cozy day at Nordic Game 2018 that showcases games that break the rules, games that redefine what games can be, and games that have a, possibly tiny, spark of novelty that changes everything. More…
  • We have cake: A summer visit at Vienna’a zamSpielen Café

    Vienna is Europe’s capital of elaborate cake and intricate coffee (to order it correctly, you need a tutorial). So it’s only a matter of time until game cafés become a thing there. Thanks to the zamSpielen collective (zamSpielen = Austrian “playing together”), this is happening as we speak. Here are some early summer impressions.

  • Let’s get physical: A recap of the 4th Lyst Summit

    For its fourth edition, the Lyst Summit & Game Jam anchored in a well-known harbour of Copenhagen. Most of the action happened on top of, inside and around “Love Boat” MF William Jørgensen. In traditional fashion, Lyst was kicked off by a one-day summit during which a selection of inspirational talk-bites were served. Why haven’t game designers…

  • Gotland Game’s most wacky custom controllers

    Gotland is a Swedish island-province full of sheep and medieval architecture. It also houses one of Europe’s oldest game design programs, Gotland Game, which organises the annual Gotland Game Conference. From May 28-30, the campus is crowded with educators, industry folks and (prospective) students. I get the impression that there’s some real exchange happening here:…

  • Turn your fears into a game: Soteria

    We are all brave in the context of games – or at least braver than in real life – because we know nothing can really happen to us. (Doris Rusch) As our experimental platform of choice, we can use games to send players off into alternate universes, make them strike power poses and do epic…

  • NG17 Discovery Day Progamme

    Now that indie was wiped out by the indiepocalypse, it is time to explore new territories, to discover new games, new players and new perspectives on games. Driven by the fuel that powers us all we say goodbye to the Indie Day and boldly go on a Discovery Day instead. Of course, the indiepocalypse has…