Category / Analysis / Experiments / Research / Sensation Awards / Windows

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  • Turn your fears into a game: Soteria

    We are all brave in the context of games – or at least braver than in real life – because we know nothing can really happen to us. (Doris Rusch) As our experimental platform of choice, we can use games to send players off into alternate universes, make them strike power poses and do epic…

  • Pokémon GO: Pervasive Gaming for Everybody

    At the collective we’ve been active in playing the cities and the streets for many years. We’ve played games in public and have looked very awkward in doing so, at times. We’ve conducted festivals about and designed games for public play. And while the reception of those games has usually been great we never expected any…

  • What motion control game development can teach us about Virtual Reality

    Hi my name is Lau Korsgaard. I am a game designer involved with the Copenhagen Game Collective. Through the last five years I have been part of teams and projects that explored a wide range of the new interfaces for games, such as Wii Remotes, Balance Board, Dance Pad, Move Controllers, Kinect, Buzz buttons and…

  • Grapefrukt and Petri present: Platformer Physics!

    This video is so much fun that it deserved its own post. At Nordic Game Indie Night, our friends Martin Jonasson and Petri Purho used upcoming indie game Cobalt by Oxeye Game Studio as an excuse to launch into a detailed lecture on physics in platformer games. Lau and I make a guest appearance. Enjoy!

  • On GIRP, Birds, and Abusive Game Design

    Here at the office, we’ve been obsessed with GIRP, a brilliant new online game by Bennett Foddy. And fuck! After 34 minutes of careful keyboard calisthenics, I was finally grabbing for my prize – the very last ledge – only to have the fucking bird beat me to it. Thing is, I think I might…

  • Erotic Game Tip: Players Who Suit Chat Roulette

    Do you play chat roulette? I think it’s a great erotic game. Before you judge me as a pervert (too late?) let me elaborate a bit on that statement. One of the pinnacles of good game design is a game that can be played in many ways where the players co-design and shape their own…

  • The craziest soccer match ever played

    It’s been a quiet week for Copenhagen Game Collective. The whole gang has been away at Roskilde Festival – everyone but me and Bernie, that is. To fill the time, we’ve been watching the World Cup. Yes, this year’s tournament has been full of drama. But even this World Cup can’t compare to this insane…

  • Kital, Natnect, Kinect

    Let me tell you about Kinect. I just spend a week in Los Angeles during E3 and had a blast hanging out with new and old friends. We were invited by IndieCade and showcased B.U.T.T.O.N at their curated exhibition in the West Hall. I didn’t spend much time at E3 away from the IndieCade booth,…

  • Erotic Game Tip: Super Strip Fighter IV

    This week’s erotic game tip is a bit different than the last erotic game tip, as it is less sexy and more just plain fun in an “erotic” setting.  Super Strip Fighter IV, created by Dōjin, is a hentai fighting game parody of the popular Street Fighter series, with one obvious change: the adult part…

  • Train Mafia, CPH Edition, Take #2

    In honor of Markus and Jaakko being in town, we decided to run Train Mafia on the CPH Metro for a second time. [singlepic id=313 w=500 h=375 float=] Witch hunt! This time around, the citizens won. But it went right down to the wire – to the final three. Exciting! The second game (on the…