Category / Academic / Art / Board Games / Code / Erotic Games / Experiments / Games / Indie Games / Kinect / Lyst / Physical game

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    If you have an idea for a talk, workshop or performance, we’ve extended our open call for Lyst – romance, love and sex in games, so you still have a chance to be part! Open call – extended deadline Come join us in Norway this summer!

  • Games Beyond Washing Machines

    So some of us went to the Philosophy of Computer Games Conference (PCG) in Berlin, and participated as presenters, panelists, and audience. What an opportunity to not only discuss how to philosophise with video games, and how games turn us into colonialists, but to catch up with old CphGC friends dispersed around the world (Amani Naseem, now living…

  • Lyst Open Call

    We are pleased to announce the Lyst Summit 2015, the 2th annual Summit about Romance, Love and Sex in games. We have now created a network of groups and individuals that will help os make the Summit a reality for the next 3 years. The next summit will happen in Helsinki in  5-7th of June 2015. Read…


    We’re co-throwing a big party in Hilversum, Holland next week, as a part of the DiGRA conference! There will lots of music and games, including a live performance by legendary turntablist/illustrator Kid Koala. Awesome! And we’ll be exhibiting five of our own party games, including a public debut of two new games – Egg Party…

  • Dark Room Sex Game at ITP

    Last September, we rolled through New York City to throw our Brutally Unfair Game Bash at Babycastles. While I was in town, I stopped by ITP (Tisch School of the Arts, NYU) to give a talk to a “Games-Art” class co-taught by my friend Zach Gage. The talk was about abusive game design, so of…

  • On GIRP, Birds, and Abusive Game Design

    Here at the office, we’ve been obsessed with GIRP, a brilliant new online game by Bennett Foddy. And fuck! After 34 minutes of careful keyboard calisthenics, I was finally grabbing for my prize – the very last ledge – only to have the fucking bird beat me to it. Thing is, I think I might…

  • On Self-Effacing Games and Unachievements

    Right before GDC, some of my theoretical research on B.U.T.T.O.N. got published in a special issue of Game Studies (an online journal for computer games research). The name of the article is “Brutally Unfair Tactics Totally OK Now: On Self-Effacing Games and Unachievements.” You can read it here. Here’s an excerpt: It can be deeply…

  • Gamasutra interview with Doug

    Last month, I did a long interview with Leigh Alexander for Gamasutra. We talked about the collective, abusive game design, B.U.T.T.O.N., broken games, and more. Read it here. Here’s an excerpt: At its best, abusive game design can create a kind of playful meta-game — a battle of wits and willpower between designer and player.…

  • The craziest soccer match ever played

    It’s been a quiet week for Copenhagen Game Collective. The whole gang has been away at Roskilde Festival – everyone but me and Bernie, that is. To fill the time, we’ve been watching the World Cup. Yes, this year’s tournament has been full of drama. But even this World Cup can’t compare to this insane…

  • Grubby in Copenhagen

    WarCraft III star Manuel “Grubby” Schenkhuizen was recently here in Copenhagen for a day-long workshop on e-sports. He spoke on a great panel about pro gaming, along with Ryan Hart and Jonas “bsl” Vikan (Street Fighter and Counter-Strike pros, respectively). You can watch it here: The event was organized by my research group here at…