Category / alt ctrl / Art / Copenhagen / Dark Room Sex Game / Denmark / Events other / Indie Games / Lyst
2015 – A retrospect
At the end of every year, we look back at all the things we have accomplished. These ruminations can seem a bit self-fellating, but it is important to stop and take some time to reflect about the things you achieve. Otherwise, the fight to spread games as an artistic and accepted medium can seem like…
Dark Room Sex Game: Hip Edition
OR WHAT HAPPENED AT THE PIXELPORNO 0.2 EXHIBITION IN LINZ Days are getting darker, blog posts successively more nostalgic. This time, we’re remembering our trip to the Pixelporno 0.2 exhibition in Linz (AT) where we gave a talk on intimate design, showed Cunt Touch This and ran Dark Room Sex Game for a night.…
Lyst – a symposium and game jam celebrating Love, Romance and Sex in Games
Thinking back at Lyst now, I can’t say anything else than it was really amazing. I can’t think of one thing that was not great! On so many levels: Speakers, food, people, games… It was the first time for someone from Copenhagen Game Collective and Game Girl Workshop to come together and organize something like…
Lyst Summit on 6-8th of June
We have created a summit that celebrates Romance, Love and Sex in games, called Lyst Summit. There will be a full day conference on the subject with inspiring speakers followed by a game jam that focusses only on these subjects. The whole thing will be held from the 6-8th of June. We feel that ‘Lyst’…
Games, Body Contact and Femminist Issues
This is an “answer” to Jordan Erica Webber and Laura Kate Dale’s series of letters published on IndieHaven and Godiva Gamers discussing the game called Hugatron (website and Tumblr). I am not affiliated with Hugatron in any way. Dear Jordan and Laura Thank you for sharing an insightful email conversation about your experiences watching a…
We need your help to remake Dark Room Sex Game
In 2008 we made a weird experimental no-graphics erotic collaborative rhythm game called Dark Room Sex Game. We are now remaking this game to be controlled with PlayStation Move controllers and we need your help (believe us, the original implementation with Wiimotes was a hassle). Dark Room Sex Game HD will feature easy connection with…
Erotic Game Tip: Fingle
At one point in the collectives history we were quite keen on erotic games. Ever since some of us created the Dark Room Sex Game we saw the potential for intimate, sensual and erotic content as an interesting mechanic for social interaction in games. However most erotic games are in fact not erotic, but are with…
Spilbar 9000 – a talk in Aalborg – and AAAARGH!
While everybody was at the Game Developers Conference in SF, having fun and receiving awards, we were also having fun with a talk about prototypes and experimental games. We were invited by Shareplay to give a talk about our work. The talk was titled “from protoype to production”. Shareplay is a transmedia venture interested in the development of…
Dark Room Sex Game at ITP
Last September, we rolled through New York City to throw our Brutally Unfair Game Bash at Babycastles. While I was in town, I stopped by ITP (Tisch School of the Arts, NYU) to give a talk to a “Games-Art” class co-taught by my friend Zach Gage. The talk was about abusive game design, so of…
Gamasutra interview with Doug
Last month, I did a long interview with Leigh Alexander for Gamasutra. We talked about the collective, abusive game design, B.U.T.T.O.N., broken games, and more. Read it here. Here’s an excerpt: At its best, abusive game design can create a kind of playful meta-game — a battle of wits and willpower between designer and player.…