2nd Annual Post-IndieCade Camping Trip!

Indies goin' camping in 2010! Photo by our friend Hamza.

What: Indie camping trip!
When: October 10-11, right after IndieCade 2011
Channel Islands National Park

Last year, right after IndieCade, I led an overnight camping trip to Southern California’s Channel Islands National Park. It was a blast! There were dolphins, foothill hikes, beach frisbee, and even a few swims.

I’ll be attending IndieCade again, and so this year I thought I’d do a repeat! My friend and fellow indie Heather Kelley (Perfect Plum, Kokoromi) and her fiancee Johannes Grenzfurthner (monochrom) will be joining me. And we hope that some of you will join us too!

As I’ve argued before, the Channel Islands are one of the country’s most underrated national parks (gorgeous photos here).

Channel Islands

We plan to take the boat from Ventura the morning (early!) after IndieCade, on October 10. Then, we’ll camp overnight, and take the boat back the afternoon of October 11, getting back to the mainland around 5:30pm.

We won’t be able to do all the planning for you (i.e. you’ll need to find your own ride to the harbor, bring your own gear, etc.), but you’re welcome to come along! Here’s some more info:

How hardcore is this trip going to be?
Not so hardcore. Santa Cruz Island’s Scorpion Anchorage campsite has running water, and is an easy half-mile walk from the boat drop-off.  From the campsite, there’s a number of nice day hikes.

How much would this cost me?
Expect about $80 per person, for boat and campsite reservations. And, any gas and car costs.

What would I need to bring?
A sleeping bag, a sleeping pad, some camping food, a tent.

How do I get there?
Drive ~1.5 hours north to the harbor in Ventura. We won’t be able to offer you a ride, so you’ll need to organize your own.


Interested? Email Doug (doug at cphgc dot org) for more details and logistics.

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