Category / B.U.T.T.O.N. / Dark Room Sex Game / Events / Fuck You It's Art! / The Collective / Travel

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  • The Copenhagen Game Collective went to the US of A! Part 1

    So we went to America. The first stop on our trip was New York City, where our games were shown at a Babycastles party in Queens. The place was a venue called Silent Barn, which is mostly known for hosting concerts. The Babycastles Arcade started out with a couple of guys showing weird games at…

  • Hard Work

    We’re really excited about showing B.U.T.T.O.N. at IndieCade, Indie Games Arcade,  and our party at Babycastles, and so we’ve all been working hard to finish a new build. This hard work involves playtesting, and playtesting B.U.T.T.O.N. involves brouhaha and brawls. Here are some videos. If you watch carefully, you’ll catch some hints as to some…

  • B.U.T.T.O.N. @ The Indie Games Arcade

    More good news! While most of the team will be in New York partying at Babycastles, Dajana is flying out to London to showcase B.U.T.T.O.N. at The Indie Games Arcade for Eurogamer Expo 2010. The lineup of games seems really strong. We’re especially exited that our friends Richard Hogg, Ricky Haggett, and the rest of…

  • Brutally Unfair Game Bash at Babycastles!

    Are you going to be in NYC on Saturday evening, October 2? Join us for a “Brutally Unfair Game Bash” at Babycastles in Queens!: (Higher res version here). We’ve planned the event together with our friend, NYC-based game artist Zach Gage. I’m very happy to announce that both Katherine Isbister and Frank Lantz are going…

  • Against the myth of the lone genius

    Check out this fun article in Slate questioning the myth of the lone genius (also known as the “auteur”). Money quote: The shift in understanding creativity is well underway. The stereotypes of miraculous breakthrough moments—and the incessant drive to locate them in the head of epic individuals—are slowly yielding to a portrait of complex, meandering,…

  • B.U.T.T.O.N. at IndieCade 2010!

    [singlepic id=340 w=500 h=375 float=] The B.U.T.T.O.N. team (sans Nifflas, who lives up in Sweden). Yes, Nils’ baby is part of the crew! Wow! Our silly party game, B.U.T.T.O.N., has been chosen as one of the 32 finalist games at IndieCade 2010. The finalists include three games from Denmark, which makes our tiny little home…

  • Interview with Lau at E3

  • LeVar Burton playing B.U.T.T.O.N.

    Boy, am I jealous that I didn’t make it out to E3! Lau was on hand to demo our party game, B.U.T.T.O.N., at the IndieCade showcase. LeVar Burton – who is apparently an avid fan of gaming – stopped by to try some of the games. Lau even got to play B.U.T.T.O.N. with him! Burton,…

  • New B.U.T.T.O.N. Trailer

    Just in time for IndieCade @ E3! We also have a new website, We’ll be updating it soon…

  • B.U.T.T.O.N. at E3

    [singlepic id=285 w=500 float=] Lau is flying out to LA today. He’ll be there for E3, where he’s going to demo our crazy party game, B.U.T.T.O.N., at the IndieCade showcase. Wooo! Maybe you’ll be at E3 too? Drop us a line,