Category / Copenhagen / External events / Games / Games / Magnetize Me / Nifflas
Burglers ain’t gonna burgle us no more
Ohh noooo. Last week, some burglars went into Chassis Arcade, our favorite Arcade in Copenhagen (read: only arcade) and stole a lot of things. As we have written earlier, we really like this place. They have also been helpful with lending us machines for different events we have been hosting. Latest, the Nordic Game Jam’s pre-party, where we…
Nordic Game Indie Sensation 2012: LAZA KNITEZ!
So much stuff is going on right now so we have a hard time catching up. Nordic Game Conference is over and we had a blast. We kicked off the conference by organizing an indie summit, party and exhibition the day before the main conference and over 600 people showed up. Check out this video…
B.U.T.T.O.N. Summer Sale!
It’s summer! To celebrate, we’ve joined in on the big Steam “Summer Camp” Sale. Our award-winning physical party game B.U.T.T.O.N. is 50% off. Now only 1.50 dollars/euros! Buy it here. The sale lasts until July 10, and applies to both the Steam version and also the alternative PC version that we sell off our own…
A Social Active Game Experience
Our friend Adam Henriksson at the Umeå Institute of Design is writing/making a thesis project about social interaction in games. He actually flew all the way down to Copenhagen for our Arcade Boat party to shoot some footage. This week he edited this beautiful two-minute trailer! So inspiring, we’re so honored to be a part…
Arcade Boat Photos
Earlier this month we threw a crazy party/exhibition on Illutron, an art boat in one of Copenhagen’s harbors! We had a blast! We’ll try to upload some video soon. Meanwhile, here are some nice photos by our friend Johan:
NGIN 2011!
Here are the full details for this year’s Nordic Game Indie Night (NGIN): Who: Indies from around the Nordic region! What: Developer talks, showcase of games, and party! When: Tuesday evening, May 10 Where: Luftkastellet i Slagthuset, Malmö, Sweden Doors open at 19:00h Developer talks, 19:30h-21:30h Party and exhibition at 21:30h Music by Nifflas, Digital…
Nordic Game Indie Track!
Ricky Haggett and a certain keynote speaker, playing Monkey See, Monkey Mime at our Killscreen vs Scandinavia party. Boy, our guests have to put up with all kinds of absurdity! (Photo by Elliot Trinidad) We’re still busy making the final selections for our Nordic Game Indie Night showcase. We’re hoping to announce the final lineup…
Brutally Unfair Knytt
To celebrate the PC release of B.U.T.T.O.N., we got together with our friend Nifflas for another silly collaboration! We’ve prepared a very special B.U.T.T.O.N.-themed mod of Nifflas’ famous indie platformer, Knytt. Check out the mod here. The official title is “Brutally Unfair Knytt,” but you can also call it “K.N.Y.T.T.” (Knytt Needs Your Tricky Tactics).…
Nifflas in Copenhagen!
Our friend Nifflas, game designer extraordinaire, was in Copenhagen this month for the Nordic Game Jam. He also gave a fantastic lecture at IT University of Copenhagen’s Spring 2010 Game Lecture series. Recorded in all its glory, here: Game Lecture Series – Episode 1: Nicklas Nygren from itucph on Vimeo.